Friday, January 13, 2006

Little River 1/13/2006

Managed to make it to the Little River today. I fished for about an hour before rain drove me off the river. I started out nymphing a couple of deep pools above Metcalf Bottoms. After about a half hour and no luck I drove a bit farther upstream to a big pool called the Baptism Pool. I began nymphing the head of the pool and missed one fish. Then I notice a small riser about 35 feet down from me. I switched over to a size 20 Adams and threw a slack line cast down to where I had last seen the rise. The fly hadn't been on the water more than three seconds and I had a splashy rise to my fly. after a brief fight I had a small brown, about 8 or 9 inches to hand. The brown was a bit of a surprise as I was expecting a small rainbow. After three more casts to the same area a steady rain moved in and I headed back into town. Little River Brown Trout

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