Monday, January 31, 2005

Bennett Springs State Park 1/29/2005

Where: Bennet Springs State Park First time I have fished at Bennett in a long long time. Recent floods had wrecked havoc on the park a couple of weeks ago. Water level are back down to about only 8 to 6 inches above normal. The water still has a green tinge to it, so most of the fishing was done with a strike indicator. I fished mohair leeches in olive brown and ginger. All with about the same success. Saw a couple of monsters cruising below the main bridge. However most fish that were caught were smaller rainbows. All of the fish I caught were smaller on average than either Meramec or Montauk State Parks. I fished from 11am to 4pm and think I landed 15 fish in all. I did miss some really nice ones though. I'm curious to see how the flood has changed the stream bed when the water gets back to normal. I also picked 3 live scuds off my boots at the car. They were a light grey color and I would estimate them to be a size 18 or possibly 16.

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