Where: Current River
Fished from Parker hollow today. I got down there around 10:00 am. There were olives above the riffle just down from the parker access. I crossed the stream and headed up to the first big bluff hole. There were three small trout rising to what I assubed to be olive spinners. The riffle above the bluff hole was all so coved in olives. I caught two of the risers on a #20 griffs gnat. The wind was really blowing and was starting to blow the small olives around quite a bit.
I also saw quite a few Caddis in the bushes. So after the the spinner fall was over I switched to a EHC and caught a couple more. I continued up stream fishing the EHC, catching a few here and there. Nothing great and I passed up a lot of fish that I may have been able to get if I would have tried something else. Found a big wide open flat with browns holding. I proceeded to sight fish and picked up three.
One nice 15 incher almost left the water trying to get my caddis. He missed and luckily I didn't set the hook. A small twitch brought him back for round two and I was able to stick him. He put up a really good fight. A little later I found a big brown holding and was able to drift a mohair leech to him. He took on the third drift and turned out to be the largest fish I have ever caught. 22 to 24 inches. What a monster. I wish I could have gotten him in for a pic.
After that fish it was a great day. I continued fishing up stream. I stopped at another flat area and sat down to eat lunch. While I was eating a nice eight point buck crossed the stream 20 yards up from me. It was a great site.
All in all it turned out to be a great day of fishing.

Current River Trophy Trout Area
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